Tapa-Circuit® Dual Fuse Holder

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WirthCo®’s Battery Doctor® Tapa-Circuit® dual fuse holder makes it easy to add an additional circuit to your vehicle’s electrical system. A Tapa-Circuit® fuse holder turns one fuse slot into two. Simply select and remove a fuse (not to exceed 10 amps) from your fuse box with constant or switchable power capabilities that match the requirements of the accessory you want to add, and instantly gain another circuit! Both the new and existing circuits are fully protected.

We offer Tapa-Circuit® fuse holders for mini ATM fuses, ATO/ATC fuses, low profile fuses, and Micro2™ fuses. Be sure to select the right option for your vehicle’s electrical system.

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How Do Fuse Taps Work?

Fuse taps are handy solutions for automotive electrical systems that allow users to add an additional electrical component to the vehicle if the power distribution center (fuse box) has no available circuits. A fuse tap functions in more or less the same way as an electrical outlet splitter, turning a single circuit into two fully-functional, fully-protected circuits.

To use a dual fuse holder, first attach the wiring from the new electrical component to the wire stem on the fuse tap, and use a crimper to seal the wires together. Then, simply remove an existing fuse and plug the fuse holder into the now-open socket. Then, insert fuses into the fuse tap’s circuits and you’re ready to go.

Features & Benefits of Tapa-Circuit® Fuse Taps

  • Turns one fuse slot into two
  • Options available for mini ATM fuses, ATO/ATC fuses, low profile fuses, and Micro2™ fuses
  • Provides one fuse holder to protect the existing circuit and a second fuse holder that protects the new circuit
  • Easy installation and removal
  • 5”, 16-gauge wire for new circuit installation

Contact Us for Fuse Taps & More

WirthCo® offers Tapa-Circuit® dual fuse holders and other Battery Doctor® fuses, accessories, and related products for automotive electrical systems. Request a quote on the Battery Doctor® products you need, or contact us for more information.